NaNoWriMo 2023

Participating in National Novel Writing Month this year… sort of. I didn’t think I’d make 50,000 (and I haven’t) but I love the atmosphere and comradery of working with my writing buddies. So, I’ve put in a good effort – around 30,000! – and am happy with that.

Here’s a snippet of the beginning of my NaNo manuscript. It’s a cozy mystery – way outside my usual genre, but I love them!

If Marjorie Jacobs had been alive to witness the anxious faces around her, she would have been wryly amused. Even dead, as she currently was, there was a sardonic twist to her lips, so like her living self that a hand fluttered to her wrinkled neck to check for signs of life.
“Don’t worry; she’s dead.”
The hand snatched back. “I know that! But… just look at her!”
“I know, I know. Come on, we can’t waste any more time.”
Paper rustled, drawers pulled out and shut again.
“Here? Or, maybe-?”
“Oh, give it here.” Heavy steps crossed the room and jerked an envelope away from the dithering owner. “Keep your wits about you, won’t you?”
“I’m trying! Just, now it’s actually done! What if someone finds out?”
“That the whole point, isn’t it?” The envelope settled on the nightstand next to the bed, crisp and white against the dark wood. A book shifted, holding it in place.
“Will he- ?”
A low chuckle rolled over the hissed question. “Oh, he’ll get the message, alright. Now hurry, I’ve got work.”
The door closed with a gentle thud, footsteps creaking down the stairs. The faintest click as the lock set and the house settled to silence once more.

Dun, dun, dun!!

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